Recording from the second webinar - Festivals

For those of you who didn’t make it today - we had a pleasure to host another candid talk about the life of an urban game designer, this time with a special festival hat on. Zoe, Gabi and Maria shared their experiences - failuers and successes - in running their own projects.

Here are some of the questions left from the discussion, which we might want to unpack as a community together in the comments below.

Carolina Vasilikou @Carolimpro
Have you come across issues of questions of co-authorship with an urban play that is community-based/community-led?

Juan Carlos Carvajal Bermudez @juancarlos
I have a question, do you think that games can trigger long term change in cities? how do think this would be possible?

Marie Claire LeBlanc Flanagan @omarieclaire
I’d love to hear more about how we can creatively invite people to play, especially people who are a little scared to open up and get playful

Conor Moloney @conormolo
Is Trust in Play interested in problematising the issue of trust? When can we be confident we are just playing, and when can we recognise we are ‘being played’?

Salma Maged
Is it possible to see any documentation of process/ outcomes of a festival or such a playful conference to get a better idea of the planning and thoughts that need to go into it

Do you use technology in the games? also is there any easy graphics program for creating cards/design for the urban game?


Thanks for sharing!:heart: