Call for facilitators/trainers for two European projects

I came across two job openings that might be of interest to some of you, as they use either games directly, or some of the creative, community oriented practices your work involves anyway. Have a look :slight_smile:

# GamifyEU - Make it real: from games to policies call for facilitators

and something less gamey, but still based on some of the skills it takes to make a successful playful experience

*Brave New YOU–Reloaded will bring communities closer by building trust between different groups of young people as well as capacities to become active agenda-setters and actors for change at both local and European level to co-create more open-minded and inclusive Europe.*

The project tackles the issues of lack of participation of disadvantaged and less represented groups in communities around Europe. Through a process of capacity building local and international activities, youth workers and youth organisations will develop competences for reaching out to disadvantaged youngsters and communities. The project will empower disadvantaged young people to be community leaders, to identify and deconstruct hateful narratives, and build more inclusive narratives for their communities.

@matteo_uguzzoni @soly @MarinaKy14 @Highfather @BagelandBalloon @LizzieH @KyrAvram @Coll1sion @LukaMilorava @giulia.25 @GavinWood @lilyhiggins @vitorfreire @vivianacordero @Olina @michail_galanakis @Katerina_P @nikos @Lynx @GiorgosPapavasileiou @jsenzel @izabel.k @nikolas_kan @Katerina @lydiamanitsidou @Sa.rah @jakob.wollekob @AnneLorraine