Call for artists - BFPAF Theme “Displacement: people, ideas and artistic practice”

A call for artists that might fit some of your works, a great space to present your work, explore collaborations and meet @MarinaKy14 at home :slight_smile:

Buffer Fringe Performing Arts Festival (BFPAF) showcases new and experimental work by local and international artists, challenges physical and artistic barriers, and creates opportunities for artists to meet and exchange ideas. It creates the environment for the questioning of preconceived ideas of the performing arts, the relationship between artists and audience, and shines a new light on the relationship between arts and society. The festival hosts innovative work, artists who practice cutting-edge methodologies, and are open to inter-disciplinary and cross-sectorial work.

Support for participating artists:

An honorarium of €1,500 groups (over 3 people) / €800 for solo artists & duets
Support in your fundraising, with BFPAF partners and long-standing supporters and donors
Support in promotion of the performance and sharing your process on the BFPAF social media
Rehearsal space can be arranged upon request by the artists
The opportunity to meet other artists, access to all other performances and parallel events of the festival, share your experience over social and networking events and an opportunity to expose your work to other international festival directors.

Deadline - 31st of May

@matteo_uguzzoni @soly @MarinaKy14 @Highfather @BagelandBalloon @LizzieH @LeaLeroy @awhitney @KyrAvram @jyow @Coll1sion @LukaMilorava @giulia.25 @GavinWood @lilyhiggins @vitorfreire @vivianacordero @Olina @michail_galanakis @Katerina_P @nikos @Lynx @GiorgosPapavasileiou @jsenzel @izabel.k @nikolas_kan @Katerina @lydiamanitsidou @Sa.rah @MariaS @sebquack @Sa.rah

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