Hello hello, everyone
We have one more exciting announcement for you - our second webinar, coming up on the 27th of September, 7pm CET
I wanted this session to address the political potential and dimensions of games - and talk with some real wizzards about their approaches, tactics and ways in which they incorporate transformation in their work. I am constantly asking myself the way games address political questions, but maybe even more - how does one even design games (experiences, esthetics, rules) that have the potential of driving change, shaping the world, making it a better place. What is the practice here?
The lineup consists of Andrea Brasch and Tassos Stevens, and hopefully a small surprise (working on it right now :)). Andrea is a digital artist, game designer, educator and one of the initiators of Lyst festival. We will talk a lot about body, identity, sexuality and sensuality.
Tassos Stevens is the director of Coney, and we had a chance to spend some time together in Bulgaria this August. I got to understand better his quest for making the world a lovelier place and learned a bit more about his wide repertoir of tricks and tools that help him realise this mission. I find the simplicity of the call particularly political and potent.
You can register for the meeting here: