Here is a link to the meeting notes from today’s call!
Feel free to correct if I got some information wrong. Thanks!
@matteo_uguzzoni @jyow @LeaLeroy @BagelandBalloon @KyrAvram @MarinaKy14 @Highfather @soly @LizzieH
Here is a link to the meeting notes from today’s call!
Feel free to correct if I got some information wrong. Thanks!
@matteo_uguzzoni @jyow @LeaLeroy @BagelandBalloon @KyrAvram @MarinaKy14 @Highfather @soly @LizzieH
Thanks Ally! Sorry for missing the meeting, have added info about my situation and potential playtesting.
I also added a column to that table about our different games for people to volunteer to playtest a particular game, so that we can see which games are missing playtesters. Hope that’s okay.
Hugs to you all! x