A beautiful article about the real world foundations of the notion as well as psychogeography: https://myloscar.wordpress.com/2017/02/11/experimental-walking-and-writing-surrealists-and-situationists/
Quotation: “An artistic/performative practice, which enables the stroller to not only territorialise unknown spaces of a planned city but also allows them to ‘awaken’ the city, able to project their desires for a city to come, a city with potential to change; radical thinking is made possible through walking and changing the technocratic formulations of a built city”.
Αστυμαγεία/Megapolisomancy (fiction): Without a link, but easily approached with a google (or duckduckgo) search, Mpalanos and Gianoulakos (greek esoteric/unknown phenomena writers οf the 90/00s) promoted the theme in the greek logotechnic sphere infused with an urban myth/occult fantasy vibe, suggesting that crews of “urban mages” constantly fight around the energetically charged spots of cities, influencing it’s growth and crossing to otherworlds either via consious wandering or via complex astrological and psychogeographic city maps.
Our Lady of Darkness of Fritz Leiber, 1977 (fiction): The influence of Mpalanos and Giannoulakos.
Quotation: In Our Lady of Darkness, the primary practitioner of this pseudoscience is fictional occultist Thibaut de Castries, whose seminal work, Megapolisomancy: A New Science of Cities, concerns the physical, psychological and paramental (spiritual) effects of certain substances, including steel, electricity, paper, and so forth as they accumulate in cities. This book was primarily a book of occult theory; De Castries preserved all of his actual methods for practicing megapolisomancy in a second book, which he referred to as his Grand Cipher or Fifty-Book. The latter book contained a series of 50 astrological and astronomical signs and other cryptic sigils.
Randonauting: Is the latest trend/evolution of the art of wandering, in which a techological bot (through generating random numbers in the overlay of a map) suggests a specific place near your location - the act of walking towards which is supposed to create synchronicities and connect the “randonaut” with the urban environment. A directional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMFAEhW5tGA
If the post is in the right place, feel free to add more references, techniques, ideas fuel or to actually quote things that spark your intrest to start a discussion :3