Dear all,
I want to invite you to participate in an open call for the festival in our hometown of Łódź (Poland).
Festival is produced and curated by Departament Gier team.
Here is a shortcut for open call and a bit more about the festival below:
Application deadline: 30.04.2022
Selection deadline: 15.05.2022
Festival dates: 30.06 – 3.07.2022
Location of the festival: Lodz, poland
This year, at the RABAN City Games Festival, we want to reflect on the topic of the neighborhood and our relations with neighbors. Who do we call neighbors, and how do we relate to them? How are such relationships built? How to see neighbors in the hundreds of anonymous people we pass every day?
To accomplish this, we are looking for city games, workshops, and other activities which deal with the following topics:
Exploring who our neighbors are, and what relations we maintain with them, what we expect from those relationships and how we can strengthen such bonds.
Considering how to fight back the anonymity of the public spaces, and of the people spending time in them. Asking how to create both fleeting and long-term relationships between the inhabitants of a city.
Researching the relations between environments and interactions between people in then. Looking at how the environment can help or hinder the formation of communities.