MICA team: Final Playtest!

Hey guys!

Our MICA team is gearing up for our final tweaks and playtests, and we were wondering if anyone would be up for playtesting on Monday the 25th at 9am EST (which should be about 3pm Berlin time)? We need a few more playtests to iron out some of the kinks.

Let us know when you’re available! The tests will most likely be done through zoom, the games we’re testing should be quite short time-wise, and only require you to be in a room that you can move around in: no other material components needed.

Hope to hear from you soon!


If it will take less than one hour, I can volunteer :slight_smile:

@matteo_uguzzoni @KyrAvram @MarinaKy14 @Coll1sion @soly @Highfather @BagelandBalloon @LukaMilorava @LizzieH @natalia_skoczylas

The meeting is over!
Our playtest is happening now! Here are the zoom details:


Meeting ID: 334 543 4982
Password: 9JuXH4

Wow, I’m really sorry I didn’t see this in time. I would’ve loved to join! I hope it went well.

Will you do any more playtests?

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Thank you for the interest!

We don’t have any plans for formal playtesting but once our booklet is complete, we will release is and welcome anyone to print and play the games yourselves! In addition, any feedback you would want to share with us would be much appreciated. The whole MICA team has hopes to continue this project further and we will consider holding more official playtests then!

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Sorry everyone at MICA, I didn’t see this thread. Hope the playtest went well. If you need any help with anything further give me an @ :wink:
x L