I am happy to invite you to submit a critical thinking piece about games implemented in participatory planning and citizen engagement for my workshop “Playing with Democracy” . The workshop takes place in the conference DIGRA (the Digital Games Research Association) between June 2-6 in Tampere, Finland. I would really appreciate your help in spreading the word across your network. Here is the call:
Playing with Democracy
Are you enthusiastic, sceptic, critical or simply curious about how games work in democratic planning and design processes? If so, join the PECHA KUCHA session, share or listen to inspiring stories and be ready to develop an agenda for a better practice in involving citizens into making, implementing and monitoring decisions about the future of their surroundings. In the subsequent GAME JAM, you get the chance to practice critical game design. You will play the dialogue-based live board game ‘Urbanity’ and experiment with the influence of various democratic values – liberal, participatory, representative democracy, etc. – on the game.
For more information and applications as Speaker, Player or Participant click here.
Note: PECHA KUCHA Speakers are asked to upload a 500-word summary of their talks. GAME JAM is limited to 18 Participants.
Contact Anna for more information: szilagyi-nagy.anna@kulturaktiv.hu