Invisible Cities - a building game about relationships

Lately, while I’m travelling, I’m always bringing with me a game that I’m working since the last 3 years, it got different names during this playtest time, right now it ended up in the form of Invisible Cities and is based on a book with the same name by Italo Calvine, the Italian author and writer.

I have all the materials with me and I will try to have a playtest in Thursday during our Unconference, I’m really curious about the feedback that I will get back from the community.

How it works?
Basically is a cooperative game where players build a city together out of wooden building blocks. The way they build it is asking each other personal questions (draw from a deck of cards) and performing the actions that connected with the different questions.

After three seasons (three decks) the city is evoked and together we read the account from the book.

Everyone is invited!!


Hi Matteo,

Really interesting game. I played a similar game with wooden blocks where a “city” develops bottom-up by players placing wooden blocks on a map based on some questions. My professor Luca D’Acci introduced us to this game in one workshops in my Master’s program.

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