Hey everybody
my name is Markus Z, born and raised in Austria. I am currently working on my masters thesis (to finish my architecture studies), which will be a co-design game to inform urban development processes of informal settlements and townshios in South Africa. I have designed about 2-3 games in the past, all of them tabletop games. For my thesis I am thinking about going digital, at least partially. Especially in time of Covid this just seems like it would make more sense. Through a research project (at Chalmers University of technology, Gothenburg, Sweden) i got to know people from South Africa, during a research trip. In Feb/March I will have the chance to go to Pretoria and test my game, linked to a course at University of Pretoria with a co-creation and participatory urban design approach.
Other than games, I love music, especially playing drums! In summer I really enjoy rock climbing and hiking mountains, and a cold beer, haha!
cheers, Markus