Flying Urban Play.ces - Dissemination

Hi Everyone!!!

Here is a link to a video compilation of play sessions inspired by the Flying Urban Play.ces Catalogue of Games. In December 2020 Ι shared my catalogue with friends and asked them to send me videos of their games they played on window sills, rooftops and balconies!

As mentioned in this post I submitted the project in A Confined Place , an interdisciplinary initiative of A-Place, in the form of a repository that records, envisions and triggers actions and experiences about the sense of place during the period of confinement. The good news is that I won the 1st prize for the #aRediscoveredPlace! Here is the link to the results of that competition.

Voila :slight_smile:


@MarinaKy14 I don’t know why I didn’t read this post and I discovered today that you actually won the prize, so happy for you, very very (almost one year) late congratulations!!